
How I came to be here is a mystery; what I'm here to accomplish can only be a Cosmic Caper.

Pop the ? "Batman & Wonder Woman Wed"

>> Tuesday, February 19, 2013

In 2010 I worked briefly for the U.S. Census and made a few bucks and a few friends, one of whom is still a great pal to this day. We had comics in common. Although he's not really an artist or writer, our mutual fan-boy love of the form eventually led to the project posted here.

It was his idea. Batman and Wonder Woman were private 'handles' for him and his then girlfriend, and he felt they symbolized their inner heroes. Moreover, it was the special way he wanted to ask her to be his wife!

I like the way it turned out ; but I miss the inking. It's still one of my favorite parts.
He placed the final version which was the same size as the printed page in the Wonder Woman comic she followed regularly. She saw it at the end of her read and initially thought it was part of the book. After reading it carefully, she looked up to see him on one knee and I'm sure was fairly surprised. She said Yes! Shortly thereafter, their life stories became one; a year later had their first little girl.

The original words were quite different from his proposal and their history together. Although the first format has been published on the net previously; I elected to rewrite for this portfolio piece to showcase the concept in a way that highlighted my own writing and didn't put their personal info out there.

The final page was penciled by hand and touched up in Photoshop for coloring. The deadline unfortunately didn't leave room for inks. I'll be uploading some sketches to give insight into the process over the next few posts, Hope you have as much fun looking at it as I did making it...


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